
Specifically on policies, KCS has been involved in the process towards domestication of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Minamata Convention in Kenya. Recently, KCS has also been involved in the development of the Kenya National Chemicals policy, 2020 and Strategic Goods Security Control Bill, 2018.

KCS has been subcontracted by implementers under the US Department of Energy (DoE) such as Sandia National Laboratories, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories to implement projects in chemical security.
Furthermore, KCS has partnered with Organization and Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Interpol, The European Union Centers of Excellence, Government of Kenya, Kenya HazMat Responders, Merck KGaA and Kenya Association of Manufacturers to promote issues related to chemistry and chemical technology. Through these partnerships, KCS has had workshops, trainings, outreach campaigns, road shows and industrial visits to both formal and the informal sectors. These engagements have not only been in Kenya, but also in Somalia, Tunisia, Rwanda, Phillipines, Algeria, Nigeria, Malaysia and Netherlands.